All about actuaries

Learn about a career that gives you a lot of different opportunities—including the chance to make a difference.

The world is changing. As an actuary, you can help it be for the better.

Since we don’t know exactly what will happen, making decisions about the future is always a risk. What if you make the wrong choice?

Actuaries can’t predict the future, but they can figure out what’s most likely to happen, as well as the different possibilities. This can help people, businesses, and governments make better choices to deal with what’s to come.

What is an actuary?

Actuaries are risk management experts and problem solvers. They use skills like the math you’re learning in school to tackle some of the biggest issues facing our world today.

Traditionally, actuaries have worked in fields like insurance, retirement, and investments. Now, they’re also helping define the future of artificial intelligence, health care, and even climate change.

What do actuaries do?

Explore even more about actuaries. What’s your age group?

Ages 12-14

See how actuaries use the math you are learning in school to solve problems and make a difference.
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Ages 15-16

Explore how actuaries deal with risk and big changes to our world, including artificial intelligence.
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Ages 17-18

Find out what a career as an actuary looks like and how it compares to other careers you could choose.
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What’s it like to be an actuary?

Here’s what actuaries have to say about their careers, why they decided to study actuarial science, and how they got to where they are today.

“What I love about the profession is the intersection between the technical and business skills needed to understand the environment and solve problems for our stakeholders. Add to that, the fact that there is generally good work-life balance and that your career progression is in your own hands and I was sold!”
Gloria Asare, ACIA
Director – Risk Modelling Services, PwC Canada
“The reason I love consulting so much is the difference I can personally make with our clients. I get a lot of personal satisfaction by helping a client solve their problems—big or small client/problem, it doesn’t matter to me.”
Jason Vary, FCIA
Actuarial Solutions
“In university, I found my love for mathematical modelling and computer programming, which I still carry to this day. I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to use the skills that I love in my career!”
Luis Dizon, ACIA
Senior Actuarial Analyst
The Targeted Strategies Group
“Through my role, I’m able to impact society by helping ensure that British Columbians get fair value for safe and reliable energy services and basic automobile insurance rates. It feels great to use my skills and expertise in a field that has a positive impact on people’s lives.”
Diana Kovac, FCIA
Senior Regulatory Analyst
British Columbia Utilities Commission
“What’s interesting about my job is that it not only requires me to be able to model or analyze the different features in an inventive way but also uses my ability to communicate business problems with different stakeholders, whether they are actuaries or not.”
Sophie (Lemeng) Feng, ACIA
Senior Actuarial Associate, Inforce Management
“I’m a math geek and I got my job  looking for challenges that
would require mathematical skills. The more I progressed, the more I realized being an actuary is not only about good analytical skills, but also about problem solving and teamwork.”
Damien Lapointe Nguyen, FCIA
Director, New Product, Individual Life Insurance
RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada